Branding, digital media including video production, website, PR, SEO, and marketing

Bencardino Contractors
A Contractor That Provides Complex Site Work Solutions

Bencardino Contractors often handles complex engineering projects that other contractors do not have the experience, or knowhow to perform. Our job is to show these capabilities in an engaging way.

Video And Media Production For A Construction Contractor

We are able to produce long and short form videos that demonstrate Bencardino capabilities by showing the rapid progress of their jobs.

When we are producing media, we are always keeping in mind that the goal is to visually show the crew in a positive way, their work ethics, professionalism, and thereby demonstrate their capabilities. It is also necessary to illustrate the scope of their projects, the technical specifics, and hurtles that have been overcome to produce a successful project.

Ballista Creative Helps Establish A Good On-Line Appearance For Bencardino

We have successfully positioned Bencardino social media, and their website properties for an advantage. Ballista manages the on-line reputation, website properties, social media, security, and general on-line presence with a primary goal of demonstrating capabilities.

If you are interested in representation, a better reputation for your company, stand out videos that include, exciting drone footage, a more personalized, sensible website with strong SEO, and well branded design, then we are your guys!